Adult Testimonial - Rich Sayer

Meet Rich, one of our personal training clients who has been working with Jermaine for the past few months.

Rich initially came in for private sessions to help alleviate inflammation in his low back, knees, and hips.

The first step was to have him get comfortable moving through beginner-level floor work and gradually ramping up the intensity over time.

Following that, we coached him on the importance of activating the back chain and keeping his hips more driven toward the posterior part of his body.

Activating the proper muscles and engaging the glutes, allowed Rich created a new base and center of gravity that alleviated the pressure on his low back.

As the back pain began clearing up, the attention was shifted towards focusing on the alignment of the foot, ankle knee, and hip, which inevitably cleared up the knee pain, relieving all of the inflammation and allowing him to move pain-free.

Once Rich was moving pain-free we were able to work on walking and running techniques, ensuring he was moving properly and will stay out of pain.

If you’re dealing with pain and interested in learning how we can help, click the button below to be directed to our personal training page to contact us and get started!


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