Open Gym - Initial Results

For the past few months, we have been running a new program for high school and college athletes.

“Open Gym” provides these athletes with gym access 6 days a week, a custom program tailored to their needs, and a trainer there at all times to help.

The Process

  1. Initial Consultation - Baseline testing along with discussion around goals, previous injuries, and experience level.

    • Baseline Testing

      • Standing Alignment - Seeing how the individual stands

      • Running Form - Seeing any movement inefficiencies and potential issues.

      • Push Ups & Pull Ups - Baseline strength testing.

      • 10-yard dash & Flying 10 - Acceleration and speed testing.

      • 5 - 10 - 5 - Agility testing.

      • Vertical Jump - Standing and approach to measure jumping abilities.

  2. Customized Program - We design a program based on what we see from the initial consultation along with “At-Home” routines.

  3. It’s Just Work - The expectation is athletes enrolled in this program will take full advantage of the resources we provide by showing up consistently, asking questions, and working hard.

  4. Tracking Results - We test once per month to ensure everyone is on track and properly progressing.

Below are the results from some of our athletes who have been showing up and putting in the work!

If you think your athlete would be a good fit for this program, please follow the button below to schedule an initial call to discuss.


Athlete Spotlight - Ryan Campion


PHS Lacrosse - One Month Wrap Up